Bioimage art

While analysing biological samples under microscope I could not help noticing fun expressions. I call them faces of the cells. Enjoy!

"The face of the ear"


While analysing mouse embryonic tissue slides under the bright field microscope I have noticed this funny face :) Emotion is hard to tell, but in reality it is fragment of inner ear called cochlea.

"Cell emotions"


These face expressions surprised me when I was imaging with Transmission Electron microscope to analyse mitochondria. In the images the circle faces are nuclei of the cells. Note the black scale bar at lower left corner indicates 2 micrometers! that's smol!

"Happy chaps"


This happy chaps is a cell expressing green fluorescence protein fused to other protein called calpain. It is said that physiological role of calpains is poorly understood. But I think this picture is all but that - the role is to cheer you up!